Welcome To Catherine's Cancer Journey Blog.

Hi and welcome to my blog. I'm Catherine a mum of 3 lovely children who was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 38.
Please feel free to read my Cancer journey and comment if you would like to. Thank you for taken the time to read my posts.
Your support is very much appreciated. New pictures are posted at the end of the page. Thank you.
Catherine xxxxxx

Friday, August 27, 2010

My Nails Are Changing Color Now.

Today I noticed my nails had changed color I had nail varnish on them and when I took the nail varnish off I noticed all my finger nails were like a brown color. None of them are sore yet or none of them have fallen off yet either. I'm keeping a close eye on them. I have been lucky so far I just hope it stays that way and none of them fall off. I was told my fingers could get sore to and I might not be able to do up buttons and things like that but I can do up buttons and I can still type and Tweet.
The nails feel a little dry and the brown color goes down to just above the cuticle on every nail on my hands. I'm not sure if it will go all the way down the nail guess I'll just have to wait and see how they change after each big Chemo session. The reason I'm writing about my nails is to let people see exactly what happens to me as I go through breast cancer and the treatments.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Catherine,
    Try massaging cuticle cream into your nail beds several times a day. Hopefully that will keep you from losing your nails. Ckout this blog. You might find something helpful. http://bit.ly/9hxG0V

    Wishing you all God's blessings,
    Brenda Coffee


Catherine's new look :)

Catherine's new look :)