I'm Catherine, a mother of 3, diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010 and again in 2014 along with bone cancer.cancer sucks please please find a cure!
Welcome To Catherine's Cancer Journey Blog.
Hi and welcome to my blog. I'm Catherine a mum of 3 lovely children who was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 38.
Please feel free to read my Cancer journey and comment if you would like to. Thank you for taken the time to read my posts.
Your support is very much appreciated. New pictures are posted at the end of the page. Thank you.
Catherine xxxxxx
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Cancer In The Ribs.
Woke up one morning only to find I could not sit up in bed my youngest daughter tried to help me but she couldn't I was screaming with pain in my ribs every time I tried to move. I thought it was chest pain that I'd had for about 3 days. I had an appointment in Dublin with my oncologist and I didn't want to miss the appointment that is why I didn't want to go to accident and emergency in Killkenny. When I got to the hospital the nurse asked me how I was doing I said not good and that I had chest pain for about 3 days and that I could not walk properly either. She said I didn't look well and got the doctor to see me pretty quickly. Had a load of tests done and it turned out to be cancer not chest pain. They kept me in hospital for a week done some more tests and managed to get my pain under control I felt so much better not been in pain anymore.
The nurse told me never to leave chest pain like that again and that chest pain was nothing to mess with. Could not believe that the cancer was in different places. I have a team of doctors and nurses looking after me I have the public health nurse,the palliative care team nurses,my oncologist,my doctor,occupation nurse I think that should just about do it lol.
Wheelchair And Pain Relief.
Before I was diagnosed with having breast cancer again along with bone cancer I was in a lot of pain. I remember trying to walk from my bedroom to the sitting room and been in severe pain that I had to go doctors. When I got there Mrs Blade could see how much pain I was in and let me into the doctor before anyone else. He took a blood test to see what was wrong. He told me to lay on his couch bed but I couldn't lay down without screaming in pain he had to give me a morphine injection to ease the pain a little. Mrs Blade is MR Blades wife and the receptionist and MR Blade is the doctor. That's how I found out I had bone cancer. Mrs Blade said she'd never seen anyone in as much pain as I was.
I was put on so much pain medication and other medication for different reasons it was crazy. I'd never been the type of person to take tablets unless it was necessary for me to take them. I was put on very strong painkillers which made me very sick I was throwing up four to five times a day then I was giving anti-sickness tablets to stop me from throwing up and they didn't work eventually they gave me a special tablet that has to ordered and it worked.
My aunty Molly had a wheelchair for when she had cancer and needed to get around, Sadly she passed away and my cousins gave me her wheelchair. I felt a bit embarrassed using it at first but after a while I was also glad to have it. now I'm walking around on short walks without having to use the wheelchair.
Yesterday I went back to the hospital to have my bloods checked as usual on a Friday before chemo. Normally they can't find a good vein to take blood from and it takes two or three attempts because my veins are so small this week they got some blood at the first attempt which made me happy. I got a call from oncology saying "your blood count is a bit low but go ahead and take your chemo" I waited till nine o clock then Kevin gave me an anti-sickness tablet then at ten pm I took my four chemo tablets. Wondering how the chemo was going to effect me this morning when I woke up again I felt fine like I had not even taken any chemo.
I'm not sure what to make of the situation do I feel happy cause I am not all messed up for five days after taking chemo? or do I worry in case the chemo just has stopped working? or have I just mastered the right time to take my chemo? I do be very tired and never get much sleep at all. From time to time I do be sick of it all I mean them needles hurt so much and I have to have them so often it's just not fair.
I get needles in the stomach,legs,arms. They are not nice at all and sometimes make me really fed up even though I take paracetamol half an hour before I get the leg injection which is the Herceptin for the breast cancer.Next week is my week off Chemotherapy I do look forward to my weeks off Chemotherapy.
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