I'm Catherine, a mother of 3, diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010 and again in 2014 along with bone cancer.cancer sucks please please find a cure!
Welcome To Catherine's Cancer Journey Blog.
Hi and welcome to my blog. I'm Catherine a mum of 3 lovely children who was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 38.
Please feel free to read my Cancer journey and comment if you would like to. Thank you for taken the time to read my posts.
Your support is very much appreciated. New pictures are posted at the end of the page. Thank you.
Catherine xxxxxx
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Yesterday I went back to the hospital to have my bloods checked as usual on a Friday before chemo. Normally they can't find a good vein to take blood from and it takes two or three attempts because my veins are so small this week they got some blood at the first attempt which made me happy. I got a call from oncology saying "your blood count is a bit low but go ahead and take your chemo" I waited till nine o clock then Kevin gave me an anti-sickness tablet then at ten pm I took my four chemo tablets. Wondering how the chemo was going to effect me this morning when I woke up again I felt fine like I had not even taken any chemo.
I'm not sure what to make of the situation do I feel happy cause I am not all messed up for five days after taking chemo? or do I worry in case the chemo just has stopped working? or have I just mastered the right time to take my chemo? I do be very tired and never get much sleep at all. From time to time I do be sick of it all I mean them needles hurt so much and I have to have them so often it's just not fair.
I get needles in the stomach,legs,arms. They are not nice at all and sometimes make me really fed up even though I take paracetamol half an hour before I get the leg injection which is the Herceptin for the breast cancer.Next week is my week off Chemotherapy I do look forward to my weeks off Chemotherapy.
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