I'm Catherine, a mother of 3, diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010 and again in 2014 along with bone cancer.cancer sucks please please find a cure!
Welcome To Catherine's Cancer Journey Blog.
Hi and welcome to my blog. I'm Catherine a mum of 3 lovely children who was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 38.
Please feel free to read my Cancer journey and comment if you would like to. Thank you for taken the time to read my posts.
Your support is very much appreciated. New pictures are posted at the end of the page. Thank you.
Catherine xxxxxx
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
The Strong Tree Picture My Niece Gave To Me.
This post is about a picture my niece gave to me. She is eighteen years old and I went to her 18th birthday party. She came over to me with a picture of a tree and said "do you see this tree" It reminds me of you because the area around the tree is all dull and grey but the tree stands out because it is strong just like you are. It was really nice and unexpected. The picture of the tree is hanging on my wall.
Pressure Sleeve And Glove.
I have to wear a pressure sleeve and glove on my left hand and arm. The reason for this is because my arm and hand swell up after having breast cancer. It's very tight and it has to be worn from morning till night. A lot of the time it's very hot and annoying and it's missions to keep them on.
They are very plain and brown in colour and as I have to wear them everyday I decided to decorate the glove with chains and beads. It took me ages to sew all the stuff on but I don't mind because I will look all trendy and unique.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
My Twitter Friends.
I Just want to say a hugh thank you to all my Twitter friends who have been there for me through my cancer journey. Your support has been wonderful for me. All the prayers, best wishes, advice, encouragement has done me wonders. It has been a rough journey for me and I would not have gained as much knowledge as I did about cancer if it wasn't for my Twitter friends. There so many people I need to thank for their support.
I hope by writing this post I will be able to help other people going through cancer at least in some small way. Twitter has been a great way for me to get support and answers to my questions. I got to talk to so many people who either had cancer or was going through cancer or had a love one go through cancer that were able to answer some of my questions.
Catherine's Update.
It's been over 2 years since I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I still feel like I live in the hospital.Check-ups, which is good. I had a few biopsys which were all clear thank God. I still have the swelling in my left hand and arm. I had not been able to sleep proper in 2 years until recently. Finally got some medicine that actually keeps me asleep. I'm still waiting to have reconstruction surgery but i'm hoping I will hear something soon about that. Still going through depression but people have their own ways of dealing with that. My way is to try keep busy it keeps my mind off things.
No Need To Pretend For Anyone.
When your going through cancer treatment it can be very rough and sickening for some people. Not everyone is the same and treatment effects people in different ways.
I found my treatment for breast cancer very rough and hard to deal with. Everyone kept telling me how strong I was and that I was an inspiration to people and that I was coping very well. At the time It didn't seem like that to me. I was very weak and tired through most of the treatment. I mostly slept as much as I could. I would make the effort for visitors and family coming to see me put on my wig, make-up while inside I felt very weak and could not wait for people to leave so I could go back to bed.
My advice to you is don't pretend for anyone if your not up to visitors say your not up for visits. If your feeling weak and tired then say you need to sleep. No one can really understand what your going through or how you feel unless they go through cancer themselves. Listen to your body and do whats best for you.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Cancer Dreams. When Do They Stop?
I keep having these weird cancer dreams they seem so real they keep waking me up. After getting the cancer free biopsy results I still had a horrible dream that I was dying from cancer. People say it is my biggest fear. You would think after going through breast cancer that my fear wouldn't be as bad as before. Cancer is a scary thing to go through and it must be on my mind all the time even when I sleep.
It's 2 years now since the breast cancer and I'm still dreaming about dying of cancer. So many of my family have been lost from cancer. I wish the cancer dreams would dissapear for good.
Biopsy Results.
I finally got my results back after waiting about 3 weeks. I am cancer free. Such a relief to hear those words after having cancer already and beating it. Cancer is a very sickening illness to deal with. The lump stays in my neck but I don't need to worry about it anymore alone with the other lump I have. The lumps need to stop appearing on me the stress is to much.
I can look forward to reconstruction now and put a lot of stuff behind me to do with cancer. My heart goes out to everyone going through cancer. You all have my prayers and best wishes.
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