I'm Catherine, a mother of 3, diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010 and again in 2014 along with bone cancer.cancer sucks please please find a cure!
Welcome To Catherine's Cancer Journey Blog.
Hi and welcome to my blog. I'm Catherine a mum of 3 lovely children who was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 38.
Please feel free to read my Cancer journey and comment if you would like to. Thank you for taken the time to read my posts.
Your support is very much appreciated. New pictures are posted at the end of the page. Thank you.
Catherine xxxxxx
Friday, October 11, 2013
I was supposed to have my Hysterectomy early in September. I went in all prepared for surgery fasted from midnight for my operation. The next day the doctors came around and told me the op was cancelled and that I could go home and come back in the following week. A week later I returned to hospital again and had to fast from midnight for my operation the next morning. I was fasting until afternoon the next day so I was dying to have a drink or something then I get another visit from the doctors telling me my op was cancelled again and that they were going to keep me in this time and that I would be first on the surgery list after the weekend. Had to fast again for the third time and finally the operation went ahead on the Monday.
I was expecting to be in a lot of pain after surgery and I had been watching other people who had had hysterectomy's done and seemed to be in pain. When I got back to the ward there was a stand beside me with a pain pump attached to it. All I had to do was press a little button if I needed it for pain.
I felt really great no pain at all just a little soreness when I stood up and sat down.
After a couple of hours of rest after surgery I was up walking around eating and drinking. The doctors came around to see how I was doing and asked me if I wanted to go home. I said yes that I was feeling great and was in no pain. One of the doctors said she never met anyone like me in all her career who went home the next day after just having surgery done.
I have to say I was worried about how I would be after having surgery done but to my surprise I was really happy with the outcome. That is less stress for me to worry about as far as the cancer is concerned.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Operation Results.
Yesterday I went to the hospital to get my results from my operation and some other testing that they had done.
I'm very happy to say all the results came back clear. I had to have some blood taken and an ECG done to make sure I'm fit enough for the hysterectomy on the 30th of August. Next steps are for me to have a scan before the hysterectomy and have my lung checked out to make sure everything is fine.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Results,Results And More Testing!
Today I went to the hospital for the results of my chest x-ray.
The doctor said that I need to have a camera put down into my lung to see what is going on.
I was not expecting him to say that. So now I'm waiting on a date to have that done as well as waiting for my other results to come back.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
MRI Results And 6 Month Check Up.
Today I went to the hospital for my MRI results and my 6 month check up. The MRI was all clear and my check up went well. The appointment was very quick and I didn't have to hang around the hospital for hours like usual. I have to go back for a mammogram in December so all is good for now.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Day Surgery Operation.
Yesterday I went to hospital for day surgery. I had a large polyp removed, d&c and a smear test. It was not that painful at all. They put me to sleep and had a little soreness when I woke up but they gave me some pain killers to ease me.
Results are in 3 weeks time and I'm hoping for the all clear. I'm doing good today.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Yesterday I went to the hospital to have an MRI. The experience was horrible I had to lay face down on a bed with my breasts in two holes which was very uncomfortable, It took forever and I was very hot and bothered. It took ages to get the position right for the MRI to go ahead. The noise was very loud and I had earphones put on my head. It was my first experience of having that type of MRI done and I did Not like it one bit.
Then I had to go to my next appointment on the same day which was for an assessment to have my operation on Monday to have a lump removed and tested for cancer. They took blood pressure, checked my heart, listened to my chest, asked me so many questions and now I'm all ready for surgery on Monday. It will be day surgery so I won't have to stay in hospital.
I received a letter from another hospital where I had my cat scan done sending me an appointment to discuss my cyst on my ovary which I knew about already. What I didn't know was that I have a lung infection as well. I'm hoping the other hospital doesn't find out about the lung infection until after the surgery on Monday. It's all go for me with hospital appointments in different hospitals and lots of appointments.
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Yesterday the 31st of May I went for a cat scan on my chest and stomach. I have to say I'm still very confused as to why they ordered a cat scan. My doctor sent me to the hospital because I was having chest pain and the doctor sent me for an X-ray and said everything was fine and that it must be muscle pain then a few weeks later I get a letter telling me to go for a cat scan.
I am not complaining, in one way it is good because my left breast has never been scanned since my reconstruction and I was a bit worried about that to be honest.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Testing For Cancer.
Yesterday I went to the hospital because I had been bleeding for 8 weeks non stop. They discovered that I have a small lump inside which needs to be removed and checked for cancer. There is also a cyst on one of my ovaries.
The plan is to have the lump removed on the 24th of June test if for cancer and then to set a date to have a hysterectomy.
Taken the Tamoxifen is the cause of my lump I have been taken the tablet for nearly 3 years now.
I suppose in a way it will be better to have some things removed then I wont need to worry about having ovarian cancer because of the tamoxifen. I do hope the lump is not cancer don't know if I could hack Chemotherapy again!
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Is This Normal?
I was wondering if any one that has had muscle flap reconstruction after breast cancer has the same problems as I do.
I get real tight muscle pain from under the left arm over to my left breast. It's like a real tight crunching pain that lasts about a minute then just stops. I can be doing any little thing to set it off like washing my hands, lifting little things not anything heavy. I would be glad of some responses so I know it's just not me.
Friday, May 3, 2013
How Am I Doing 3 Years Later?
It's been 3 years now since I was first diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. How am I doing?
I'm still taken the tamoxifen daily it does give some problems like night sweats. I have a long time left of taken tamoxifen and I worry about the cancer coming back when my five years of taken tamoxifen ends. In one way I will be glad to stop taken the tablet as long as I stay cancer free. Depression has not gone away and still coming to terms with life after cancer. I'm still very bitter about having cancer in the first place. I'm going to keep writing about my journey maybe it will help someone.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Scan Of The Right Breast On June 20th. Are They Scanning The Right Side?
I have a scan for the right breast on June 20th. Considering the left breast was reconstructed I'm wondering if they are scanning the wrong side. I have a mammogram on the right side every 6 months to a year. Don't you think they should be scanning the left breast in case the cancer comes back on the left side again? Think I will be mentioning it to who ever is doing the scan. Then back the week after for the results.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Still Waiting For Surgery.
Been on the waiting list for quite some time now and no word yet from the hospital.
Just as well I have some bit of patience.It should not be much longer now Hopefully before the month of April is up.
My grandson has been born since the last time I wrote a blog. He is such a strong, lovely,cute baby. I got to hold him and feed him. Even got some pictures of him. Still trying to get used to being a grandmother.(man I feel old.) lol.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Waiting For Right Breast Surgery.
At the moment I'm waiting to have surgery on my right breast. Hopefully I will be called soon. Nearly 3 years since I was first diagnosed with breast cancer and still fighting depression. My hair is finally at a decent length now I can actually tie it up now. My new grandson is due within the next couple of weeks and I'm really looking forward to meeting him. The next steps for me are right breast reduction then nipple tattoo of the reconstructed breast.
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