I'm Catherine, a mother of 3, diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010 and again in 2014 along with bone cancer.cancer sucks please please find a cure!
Welcome To Catherine's Cancer Journey Blog.
Hi and welcome to my blog. I'm Catherine a mum of 3 lovely children who was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 38.
Please feel free to read my Cancer journey and comment if you would like to. Thank you for taken the time to read my posts.
Your support is very much appreciated. New pictures are posted at the end of the page. Thank you.
Catherine xxxxxx
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
How Long Should A Patient Take Tamoxifen For The Treatment Of Breast Cancer.
Patients with advanced breast cancer may take tamoxifen for varying lengths of time, depending on their response to this treatment and other factors. When used as adjuvant therapy for early stage breast cancer, tamoxifen is generally prescribed for 5 years. However, the ideal length of treatment with tamoxifen is not known.
How Often Should I Take Tamoxifen?
Two studies have confirmed the benefit of taking adjuvant tamoxifen daily for 5 years. These studies compared 5 years of treatment with tamoxifen with 10 years of treatment. When taken for 5 years, the drug reduces the risk of recurrence of the original breast cancer and also reduces the risk of developing a second primary cancer in the other breast. Taking tamoxifen for longer than 5 years is not more effective than 5 years of therapy.
What is Tamoxifen
Tamoxifen is an oral selective estrogen receptor modulator which is used in breast cancer treatment, and is currently the world’s largest selling breast cancer treatment. It is used for the treatment of early and advanced breast cancer in pre- and post-menopausal women. It is also approved by the FDA for the reduction of the incidence of breast cancer in women at high risk of developing the disease. It has been further approved for the reduction of contralateral (in the opposite breast) breast cancer.
Did Your Mother Have Breast Cancer?
If your mother had breast cancer, you have an increased chance of developing it yourself. Knowing your family history, understanding your personal risk, getting appropriate screening tests and making lifestyle choices are important steps toward good breast health. Always check for lumps and changes of the breast. Never be afraid to go to the doctors remember the earlier the better!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Hospital Today And The Next Step After Reconstruction.
This morning I went to see the plastic surgeon who reconstructed my left breast.
He said everything was looking good and I'm healing fine. The next step is to have the other breast reduction to match the new reconstructed breast. The doctor said this operation is nothing like the last one and only requires a few days in hospital. I'm looking forward to having everything looking great.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Today my sister got her mri results. She does not have breast cancer. I'm so happy she does not have to go through that horrible experience. Some good news for a change. Just goes to show you can get breast cancer from a very young age. Always check for lumps and changes and never be afraid to go to the doctors. Remember the sooner the better.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Breast Cancer Gene Results.
Today we went to see my doctor for the breast cancer results. It turns out that I don't have the breast cancer gene after all. If my sister has breast cancer another blood test will be checked for other cancers,so good results for me today. I'm back to the plastic surgeon in a few weeks to go on the waiting list to have the other breast done. A long tiresome day of travelling but worth it to get them results.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
My Mother Came To Live With Me.
Been so busy lately. My mother came to live with us. It's so nice having her around.
I was devastated when she had to move away just after I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It's nice to be able to give back some care after all her years of caring for us.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Medical Alert Braclets For Lymphodema.
I have to say I think medical alert braclets for Lymphodema is an excellent idea.
I want to get one to wear so people know they cannot take blood or blood pressure from my left arm where my nodes were removed. I already have Lymphodema and its a good way to alert people to stay away from your effected side.
The Next Step After Breast Reconstruction.
Since the reconstruction I'm doing great and healing lovely. It feels strange having a breast again after been without one for 2 years. It does take a bit of getting used to and feels a little strange and different from the other one.
The next step is to go back to the plastic surgeon in November and talk about getting a nipple tattooed on the reconstructed breast and then go back on the waiting list to have the other breast reconstructed to match the new one.
I had my doubts about having reconstruction done because I'd seen a video of a reconstructed breast and I did not like what I saw. I have to say my reconstruction was a lot better then I expected it to be and I feel more like a real woman again.
If your thinking about having breast reconstruction done I say go for it. It will make you feel much better.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
My Thoughts.
I have been meaning to write this for a while now. So many people out there are effected by cancer in some way and there are lots of people who have had nothing to do with cancer and think "that won't happen to me" after having cancer at the age of 38 it really opened my mind to all the different cancers there are out there. In my opinion some people don't even think twice about cancer until something bad happens to a loved one or themselves then they start to see things very different. Cancer is not easy to go through trust me I know.
It's very important for people to be aware of all the different types of cancer out there and to check for changes and lumps or anything that your worried about. Don't be afraid to go to the doctors and remember it's better to be safe then sorry.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
We have added a new forum to help people get support and find answers to some of their questions. I had lots of questions that I didn't have the answers to and had to ask other people for help. Hopefully the community will build and be of great use to cancer patients,family,friends and carer's.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
List Of Things You Should Know About Breast Cancer.
More women get breast cancer than any other cancer.
Most women who have small early stage breast cancer after treatment survive and are living years later.
It is very important to check for changes in the breast and get them checked as soon as possible
If there is a strong family history of cancer you should be checked often.
A mammogram can find cancer up to 4 years before a woman would notice a sign herself.
Did you know that a lump can be growing for years before you notice it?
Males can also get breast cancer.
If you carry the breast cancer gene it can also cause other cancers.
Most women who have small early stage breast cancer after treatment survive and are living years later.
It is very important to check for changes in the breast and get them checked as soon as possible
If there is a strong family history of cancer you should be checked often.
A mammogram can find cancer up to 4 years before a woman would notice a sign herself.
Did you know that a lump can be growing for years before you notice it?
Males can also get breast cancer.
If you carry the breast cancer gene it can also cause other cancers.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
What Do You Say To Someone Diagnosed With Cancer?
What do you say to someone diagnosed with cancer? This is a good question. Most people don't know what to say or do. Some people say "what can I say" and others just stay away from you because your very sick and they don't know what to say or do. It is a very hard situation to be in, especially when it is someone close to you.
Does anyone give a second thought to the carer and what they are going through? Also the fact that they might need support. They try to be strong for the cancer patient and in the meantime suffer in silence because they don't want to upset the cancer patient. Not only do they have to look after the patient and take care of things, they also have to watch and see what the cancer patient has to go through every single day. When I first got diagnosed with breast cancer my aunt said, "What can I say? I will light a candle for you." I had lots of family support at the start with people wanting to do everything and not leave me on my own. When Kevin came to Ireland everyone backed off so he didn't have much support at all.
My Aunt got diagnosed with terminal cancer and I knew exactly what to do only because I had cancer myself. When I saw her I hugged and kissed her and thats all I had to do without saying a word.
My advice would be: Don't stay away. If you don't know what to say, don't say anything. Just tell the cancer patient that you are there if needed. Don't try to take over and make decisions for the patient. Listen to what he or she wants. Just because they are sick does not mean that they cannot make their own decisions. Offer some support to the carer and maybe take some of the pressure off them.
Another thing I'd like to say is when your a cancer survivor the problems just don't dissappear. Sometimes you have problems for years after. Continue to offer your support even when treatment is over. Don't just assume that because the cancer is gone, everything is fine.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Breast Cancer Gene Test.
After been diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 38,having an uncle who had breast cancer, a strong family history of cancer I decided to have the breast cancer gene test. It takes 4 months for the results to come back and mine are due back in October. The results could be yes that I do have the gene, no that I don't have the gene or maybe.
The doctor said if I do carry the breast cancer gene then it can cause ovarian cancer so they suggest having my ovaries removed. I told him if I do carry the gene then I want my ovaries and the other breast removed.
After having breast cancer already I never want to go through that again. If it means having more of my body parts removed then so be it.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Breast Reconstruction Follow Up.
Today I had my check up after the breast reconstruction. They said it is looking really good and took some of the dressings of today. I saw a line at the top and I know there is a line going across the bottom of the breast. I feel different like the tempoary boob is super glued on to me lol. I know thats not the case I just have to get used to having a breast there again. The scars need some healing time then I'm sure they will look much better. I'm still very tired I am house hunting as well as trying to heal and get some rest. I find it all very draining and stressful at the moment. Hopefully things will start to look up soon.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Really Pleased My Blog helps Others.
Some people have said my blog helps them get through things and helps them understand cancer and it's problems a little better. I'm very pleased to hear that I can be of some little help. I found it very hard going through cancer and not knowing much of what was happening to me. I also got help from some of my Twitter friends. If I didn't know something I would ask a question and someone would answer for me. I read books and books of information about cancer. If you do have any questions or need help then I'm here for you.
Breast Reconstruction Hospital Stay.
I went into hospital to have my breast reconstruction. It wasn't what I expected at all. When I came out of surgery I was in no pain at all they gave me some good strong pain killers.I expected the reconstruction to look different from how it turned out. Was I pleased with the result? I was very pleased the surgeon done an amazing job and I'm very happy. After a week of been in hospital I got an infection in my foot where the needle had been. I was ready to leave apart from that and could not wait to come home as a new person.
There was I looking forward to going home only to wake up at 5am in the morning to a text to say that the house was on fire the night before with my 3 children in there. They all got out in time thank god. The children were shook up, upset and I felt like the fire should have happened when I was there not in hospital.
I got out of hospital and am staying with my cousin Andrew while we find a new home.
Everyone was saying "how unlucky is that girl" and I have to say I agree with that statement. If anything we might be unlucky but we are a strong family who have been through so much in the last 2 years and we do get through bad times.
Friday, July 13, 2012
My Uncle Johnny.
My uncle Johnny passed away after a long battle with cancer. So many of our family have died of cancer. I was one of the lucky ones to survive. He was also my god father. Always telling jokes and making people laugh. He painted me a picture that I will always keep. No more pain he will be with the angels in peace now. R.I.P.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Reconstruction Operation Cancelled.
Today I was supposed to be going into hospital but they called and told me my operation was cancelled until next week or maybe a few weeks. I had everything ready for the operation and the kids taken care of and I'm really not happy. They could have given a bit of notice before the day I was supposed to go in. Had I have cancelled last minute I would have been struck of the waiting list!
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
I Wonder What's Going On.
Seems ever since I had surgery I've been finding lumps in different places. They have all been checked and cleared. Now I have 2 more lumps in my head to be checked. I'm not sure if that is from having the nodes removed from under my arm and the fluid is just getting stuck on my left side or if it is something different. Biopsys are not nice and I have had loads of them already. Does it ever actually end or do I have to keep stressing about finding lumps.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
The Strong Tree Picture My Niece Gave To Me.
This post is about a picture my niece gave to me. She is eighteen years old and I went to her 18th birthday party. She came over to me with a picture of a tree and said "do you see this tree" It reminds me of you because the area around the tree is all dull and grey but the tree stands out because it is strong just like you are. It was really nice and unexpected. The picture of the tree is hanging on my wall.
Pressure Sleeve And Glove.
I have to wear a pressure sleeve and glove on my left hand and arm. The reason for this is because my arm and hand swell up after having breast cancer. It's very tight and it has to be worn from morning till night. A lot of the time it's very hot and annoying and it's missions to keep them on.
They are very plain and brown in colour and as I have to wear them everyday I decided to decorate the glove with chains and beads. It took me ages to sew all the stuff on but I don't mind because I will look all trendy and unique.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
My Twitter Friends.
I Just want to say a hugh thank you to all my Twitter friends who have been there for me through my cancer journey. Your support has been wonderful for me. All the prayers, best wishes, advice, encouragement has done me wonders. It has been a rough journey for me and I would not have gained as much knowledge as I did about cancer if it wasn't for my Twitter friends. There so many people I need to thank for their support.
I hope by writing this post I will be able to help other people going through cancer at least in some small way. Twitter has been a great way for me to get support and answers to my questions. I got to talk to so many people who either had cancer or was going through cancer or had a love one go through cancer that were able to answer some of my questions.
Catherine's Update.
It's been over 2 years since I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I still feel like I live in the hospital.Check-ups, which is good. I had a few biopsys which were all clear thank God. I still have the swelling in my left hand and arm. I had not been able to sleep proper in 2 years until recently. Finally got some medicine that actually keeps me asleep. I'm still waiting to have reconstruction surgery but i'm hoping I will hear something soon about that. Still going through depression but people have their own ways of dealing with that. My way is to try keep busy it keeps my mind off things.
No Need To Pretend For Anyone.
When your going through cancer treatment it can be very rough and sickening for some people. Not everyone is the same and treatment effects people in different ways.
I found my treatment for breast cancer very rough and hard to deal with. Everyone kept telling me how strong I was and that I was an inspiration to people and that I was coping very well. At the time It didn't seem like that to me. I was very weak and tired through most of the treatment. I mostly slept as much as I could. I would make the effort for visitors and family coming to see me put on my wig, make-up while inside I felt very weak and could not wait for people to leave so I could go back to bed.
My advice to you is don't pretend for anyone if your not up to visitors say your not up for visits. If your feeling weak and tired then say you need to sleep. No one can really understand what your going through or how you feel unless they go through cancer themselves. Listen to your body and do whats best for you.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Cancer Dreams. When Do They Stop?
I keep having these weird cancer dreams they seem so real they keep waking me up. After getting the cancer free biopsy results I still had a horrible dream that I was dying from cancer. People say it is my biggest fear. You would think after going through breast cancer that my fear wouldn't be as bad as before. Cancer is a scary thing to go through and it must be on my mind all the time even when I sleep.
It's 2 years now since the breast cancer and I'm still dreaming about dying of cancer. So many of my family have been lost from cancer. I wish the cancer dreams would dissapear for good.
Biopsy Results.
I finally got my results back after waiting about 3 weeks. I am cancer free. Such a relief to hear those words after having cancer already and beating it. Cancer is a very sickening illness to deal with. The lump stays in my neck but I don't need to worry about it anymore alone with the other lump I have. The lumps need to stop appearing on me the stress is to much.
I can look forward to reconstruction now and put a lot of stuff behind me to do with cancer. My heart goes out to everyone going through cancer. You all have my prayers and best wishes.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
My Two Week Stay In Hospital For Depression.
I had always though of a mental hospital as a place where people with serious mental issues went. I didn't know people went there for depression. I spent two weeks there depressed. I got to meet people and see people with all different kinds of mental illness. At first I was really scared and nervous and watched everyone very careful. As the time passed really slowly each day was a little easier.
There was a beautiful lake there and I walked around it a few times everyday to clear my head. So many swans and ducks swimming around the lake and when someone walked the paths they would all swim over with the hope of someone feeding them some bread.
I had lots of time to think about my life. I walked so much and the end of each day I just fell into bed from tiredness. I had my make-up done, nails painted, foot spa's and even baked some apple pies and a rhubarb pie. Not a place I'd want to stay in but the brake did me good away from all the stress.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Just Get On With Things.
Some people must be thinking I should just get on with things. So many people go through cancer and side effects and be strong.
I wish I was like those strong people who can just put things behind them and move on but I'm not. 20 years of suffering everyday is such a long time all the way back to my accident and to have to deal with breast cancer and effects on top of that along with depression sometimes gets to much to deal with. health issue's arise and I'm told to tell my cancer doctor when I see him and he tells me certain issues have nothing to do with him. So my question is where does that leave me?
it leaves me feeling stuck. I try to fix my own health issues by myself when they come up. Sometimes I can and sometimes I cant.
I had to find my own way through learning about cancer and find my own ways with dealing with emotions because I sure didn't get offered any professional help when I was diagnosed with cancer.
When I was diagnosed with cancer everything started to change. Family members had to move away. I found I hated myself and still do. Yes your hair grows back after treatment. Did you know your hair can grow back differently after treatment?
mine did. I had long lovely black straight hair and it grew back curly and now it is short. I went to a hairdresser and she made me look like elvis or something. I came out feeling worse then before I went in. Came home got Kevin to fix my hair the way I wanted it and decided Kevin would be my hairdresser from now on.
When I hear people tell me I'm strong I'm thinking no I'm not strong. People don't understand how much suffering is on the inside unless your with that person every single day. Kevin would be the only person in the world who sees how much I really suffer inside.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Depression seems to be getting the better of me these days. I fight it as much as I can. The after effects of having cancer treatment and radiotherapy seem to be an on going thing for me. 2 years of suffering is a long time and it's still going strong. Finally my left side numbness after having the breast removed is healing very slowly. People don't understand that once the cancer is gone you still have so much to deal with.
It's not just as simple as going to the doctors when something is up. Having to wait 2 years after treatment to have 2 teeth taken out sucks. I'm told by most doctors that my problems are all to do with cancer. That is all well and good relating issues to the cancer but for heavens sake try treat the problem instead of giving me the run around.
My depression gets so bad that I switch myself off from everyone and that is not good. I don't feel like I'm getting the support I need or needed right from the start of my breast cancer journey.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
My Aunty Molly.
Molly was an aunty of mine that I was very close to. I would always go see her and spend some time with her. She was a very loving,caring,placid and a happy person that everybody loved. She would judge no one and made friends with everyone. When I was diagnosed with cancer she would light a candle and pray for me and always check to see how I was doing. A few months before Christmas she was diagnosed with terminal cancer and was given only a few months to live. I was devastated to find out and I knew what was ahead of her. it made me mad that she didn't even get a chance to fight the cancer like I did. I went to see her at 3am the night before she died. she knew who I was. I kissed her, cried and told her she was my inspiration and that I loved her and she managed to talk back to say I was her inspiration and that she loved me to. she died 9 days before christmas in 2011. I miss her so much.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
So Much Catching Up To Do!
I have so much catching up to do with my writing. I missed writing posts. It is something I enjoy doing. So much has happened with me since I last wrote months ago.
I have to try remember things that can be helpful to other breast cancer patients out there. I will do my best.
I have to try remember things that can be helpful to other breast cancer patients out there. I will do my best.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Blogging Again.
Hello everyone. So much has happened since I last wrote a blog. I have decided to keep blogging. So many people are wondering what is happening with me on twitter.
It's good to know so many people have kept an interest in my cancer journey right from the start and still continue to follow and support me. Thank you everyone and I hope you find some of the information useful.
It's good to know so many people have kept an interest in my cancer journey right from the start and still continue to follow and support me. Thank you everyone and I hope you find some of the information useful.
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